The best way to organize your association and save time.

Say goodbye to multiple accounts and duplication. Consolidate to one platform that offers a Property Association no-code database that everybody can use.

It’s easy to streamline your processes with custom workflows. Organize everything from member lists to committees to running events. Manage files in one place and create roles for your team to assign appropriate access to information.

Handle community requests, assign project tasks, send notifications and track everything.

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Create Database Applications Your Way

Many organizations still use spreadsheets and multiple service accounts which often leads to lost time and frustration

What we offer that spreadsheets do not:

  • Empower anyone to create custom workflows
  • Create reusable data assets that provide more value over time
  • Invoke email notifications based on data actions
  • Provide a single source of truth for data
  • Fine tune data access and security

Manage Households

Organize your community’s blocks and households for a single source of truth that stays up to date.


Maintaining Memberships

Keeping track of your members is clear and easy. Customize the workflow to suit your organization's needs.

Manage Committees

Create unlimited committees, positions, manage priorities, and assign tasks with notifications to alert committee members.


Managing Events

Run events seamlessly by creating custom workflows. Organize sponsors and coordinate your team on event project tasks.

Manage Sponsors

Manage sponsorship levels and benefits for consistent tracking of your community’s sponsors.


Managing Communications

Create consistent communication standards for effective posts. Track content and posts for any type of communication. Assign tasks with notifications on campaigns.

See what MicroDB can do for you!

Get Started Today!
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